magical items, eye of newt witchery

Eye of Newt Witchery Review is Finally here!
(My many pardons for the late delivery of this well anticipated post. End of the month crunch.)

Autumn Blessings! As September comes to a close, I was fortunate to come across a new friend. The wonderful Raven Shadowhawk of the Eye of Newt Witchery. After long chats, with a lot in common, We did a trade. So thank you Raven for allowing me the opportunity to bring this review to my subscribers. You all can like his page here and follow his pagan music channel where he sings beautiful hymns here

I was not knowing what to expect when I received a white box at my door this past Saturday. But the energy was enough to completely wake me from my fatigue. 

I opened the box to the goodies I show you above. 
With witchy glee I shared my loot with my husband, daughter, and our lovely little kitty. (Who loves the box, btw. ;) )

So lets get to the review!

The first item I grabbed was this majestic little beauty. The limited edition Autumn Blessing Spell Bottle. Unwrapping left me in a sense of bliss. The smell of pumpkin spices, vanillas, woods, perfumed the air as I found this adorable charmed spell bottle. 

The oak leaf charm is super sturdy. And can be worn as a necklace, or fastened to a medicine bag. But for now, in the power spot of my apartment it is enchanting the air as autumn is coming into full effect. 

This item was crafted and enchanted by Raven Shadowhawk himself, with a blend of herbs for prosperity, luck, and I sensing .. coziness. Holding it makes you absolutely warm. Like sitting in kitchen with a hot cup of cider as your Nana is baking pie kind of cozy. I won't get into details with what I can see in the bottle floating about... but it is in fact VERY lucky. You'll have to find out yourself. The scroll is the handwritten spell, that Raven spoke into the bottle before he sealed. it. 

Oh boy. I was almost on my feet when I unwrapped this High John Root Oil
This smells very good. High John Root is said to be pungent in the energy of High John the conqueror. And yes, that floating at the bottom of the vial is an actually chunk of the root. High John had a willpower that was legendary. He was definitely used his wit to get things to work for him, so I will probably use this oil to anoint crystals to help motivate me to get along with my day productively. I will have to catch my husband when he isn't reading to ask him what he felt, as he volunteered himself immediately to anoint himself with the oil. Might have to check my twitter for that update, as well as my own. 

HOW CUTE ARE THESE?! I'm totally obsessed. Mini spell bottles. I received a vial of Love and the vial of Prosperity. This as tiny. But PACKED with herbs. I've been utilizing the Prosperity one for the last few days, and the earthy energy that grounds my jitters is very much needed. I totally miss herbwork, and these are a perfect way to incorporate them into your life. Probably the favorite thing I received. 

Yep. Moon Goddess. This wasn't out the box before my husband jumped the opportunity to burn one of these babies. This isn't available in shop, but I feel blessed to have experience this. This was burning for the rest of the package I opened. Oh man, the energy totally shifted. These aren't $1.00 incense you get from Walmart, kids. Totally potent magically. Burning this CERTAINLY vibrated the room. I felt a buzzing. If you have ever "Drawn Down the Moon." before. It's like a mild version of that. The smell is powdery, floral, and mildly sweet.

Another incense that is not available online, but this was the last one! After getting to know me, and my relations to the entity of Persephone, this was my surprise. This is enchanting. This smells like magic. It smells like ancient, olde world, Salem magick shop. If you ever loved the smell of a lot of New Age shop, this perfumed my house with that smell and feel. It is envoking. It really engaged the elementals that live amongst the plants of my home. We all enjoyed this. Even my cat. I love this, so much. 

We also received two velvet pouches of beautiful raw and tumbled stones. My husband, whom is an avid Earth Keeper, flipped bananas. We received more then pictured, but alas the stone bandit of Ken has hurried off with them. You don't often see raw Apache tear, but i have been carrying it, and it has really remarkable. That little guy has been helping me ground a lot of anxiety and grief I've been experiencing lately. Ken adores the bloodstone, being one the most unique tumbled bloodstones we've seen. 

The last thing I opened was this soy candle he created. "Fall Harvest"  This is awesome, and I haven't burnt it yet. I'm waiting for a special occasion. The wax is very creamy. It smells like fall in a jar, mixed with candy corn and bubble gum. Very sweet but that fall spicy fall scent. 

Overall I am happy with the magic I received from Raven. The incense of fantastic quality. Everything has a lot of time of effort in them, and you can feel the difference. Some potent stuff here. 

But if you've booked a flight onto Urban Witch this New Moon.. You might have already known that.

Tat Tvam Asi? .. (What the hell does that even mean? ) We'll get to that later.


Loralei Taveras. A damn good person, but considered a harlot of community. Holds the record for most cheesecake eaten in a single hour, member of Green Peace, the woman whom controls the black market on spleens, and active member of the "What a minute bitch" foundation. Flies around the pine barrens on a broomstick, and stands on city block corners with rose scented candle lanterns.

HOLD UP, wut? ... I'm kidding. Only some of that is true. (You'll have to find out.)

Who am I? I am you.

Let's cut the fat.

I am a Witch. An enchanting, charming, eclectic, outspoken, loud, sometimes grumpy, spazzy Witch... But a witch no less.

I wanted to create this blog because I felt like I could be the lemon zest to the sugar water that is the Lemonade of Magic blogging. I'm unbound, and quite wild.. So I thought I could be a different flavor to choose from.

This is me stripped from the plastic and raw, I spend a lot of my time in analytical reverie and therefore my attention span is very short. So in hindsight, I take a deep interest in anything extreme.

I am one small person, but I am apart of a massive universe and it took me along time and a lot of lessons to find my place in it. To take my power back. I believe I posses some unique quirks, but this isn't an ego tripping blog. I actually dislike the common human trait of needing to feel different. I don't think a person's worth is measured by their weight in popularity, prettiness, how many things they know, how long they've been doing something, etc... and this all in the name of being "individual." People lose their power by being SO caught up in being "original" That they completely lose sight of who or what they really are.

The human ego can sometimes be astonishing. We feel the need to control and manipulate everything to make ourselves feel cozy because if one damn thing goes the way we didn't want to... we've been taught in society to feel like it has all gone to shit. That's absolutely damaging. And even I am coming to terms with those feelings. (You don't have to apologize for feeling them either, or any emotion for that matter.) When really, maybe we should just feel glad we get to experience this, learn the lesson.

Because when it comes down to it, though we can try and try to dominate every aspect of our lives... that takes the magic out of your experience. If a movie ran so perfectly, wouldn't you be bored without some plot device? A Climax? Intensity? Dare I say.. chaos? Be an arbiter of your own destiny.

Writing and committing to a blog of this taste is not always easy. I don't think just anyone can do it at anytime, but I really have felt a strong pull to do this in the last two weeks.

When I was a little girl, I was mesmerized by fairy tales. There was a freedom that I felt like was just beyond reach. I was very young when I realized some are born free, wild.. others have to fight for it.

So as I conjured up a vivid imagination in the shadow of expectation, I kept an open mind and a open heart to what the Universe was going to bring me. I kind of knew.. I would receive what I wanted.

I was born in Ireland, and I was taken to New Jersey as a baby. I was fortunate that the isle stayed fresh in my Mom and Aunt's mind as they told me stories and tales. My Mom would randomly say she was psychic. And honestly, she is one of the most intuitive people I know. (Life made her that way.) So with these terms, I was so intrigued!

Hell, I admit... being a little kid in the 90s was fun. A lot of the movies and stuff I was interested in became an aspect of who I am today. I had The Wickerman, The Craft, Teen Witch, Sabrina... But the one that stood out to me was Practical Magic. Those two young ladies, especially the one that played a young Sandra Bullock... resonated with my soul. Everything she did, I was already doing. So much so that babysitter had a chuckle.

When I was preteen I finally started to get access to magick. I would hurry to book stores in the malls... and eventually save up and buy books. I was rushing way to hard, too soon. And I made many many mistakes. But I taught myself to call them 'discoveries,' now.

I took a back seat and kept diving with tarot cards. And randomly the Universe provided me knowledge and mentors.

I educated myself. Found myself more then once. Learned a ton, traveled a bit. But it didn't matter where my life bended... from when I was a tow-truck driver... to being an established makeup artist.. my life ALWAYS returned and had a way to remind me that my Home will forever be in the esoteric. (Oh hey spider. How about that. Confirmation. ^_~  )

Spells, charms, brews, potions, divining, channeling, casting, conjuring, astrology... A lot. Just... a lot.

How to cast a spell

How to use crystals

How to make Eggplant burgers I like to get into the kitchen and mess around.

And here I am to share! :D

I met my husband, Kenneth, on cold October night. He being a magician himself, enriched me. We were blessed with a baby last February. Her name is Kiandra Aerilyn (Magic Water/ Ancient One, Beautiful Air.) And live in a wonderful, cozy apartment in the city of Philadelphia.

My husband gave me a task to share. 

Name three places I found the most.. 'magickal' and name the three people that are basically outside sources that kept this interest alive in me. 

1.) Sunset Beach, Cape May, NJ. Hands down the most potent place for my soul. Quartz pebble beach amplifies everything in this peak. The only stores on this is a crystal shop, a gift shop that will keep me busy for days, and a Mom and Pop restaurant. One of my Grand wishes is to buy one of the Victorian manors and have a witchy bed and breakfast. Oh yeah. 

2.) Fort Mott's Walking Trail Marker #10, Pennsville, NJ.
Energy vortex. The power invoked there is nothing like I have ever experienced before, and local practitioners there will tell you. If you'd like to hear my weird encounter with like... 200 and some crows there.. Let me know in the comments. I'll even see if I can fish the video out my phone. 

3.) This was a toughy, because the other two were no brainers. And I realized I had to travel more. But in New Hope.. Well all of New Hope is absolutely other worldly but..There is this shop: Mystikal Tymes, but this shop takes the cake when it comes to energy. Picture is from Witchs Cat Blog.

Now for people/entities that have been keeping the fire alive for me.

1.) Anubis. Hands down. Read a story about a woman and Bast and he was in the book. I was really young. I needed to know everything about him. 

2.) Owens Woman. #PracticalMagic. I'm not going to lie to you. But in my teen years, when I didn't think anything made sense, this did. 

3.) Persephone. And that's a blog for another day. 

So Tat Tvam Asi.  It means.. "You are that" in ancient text. I am you. You are me. If anything you read tonight during this blissful New Moon resonated or rose a feeling out of you... That's you. I'm just a mirror in your reality, right? You brought YOURSELF here. 

Disclaimer: I claim the name Witch, proudly, as a magick practitioner. But I am not of any religion. I have never been apart of a coven or any clubs... but I haven't been solitary either. I am open-minded to all concepts across the board. When people ask me, I usually say I'm a Universalist. Because everything has truth somewhere in it. Everything. My views are my own, and not meant to sway your own beliefs. 

So my question for you. 

Give me three places I need to check out that you thought were the most magickal, and three entities. Hell it could be a god, goddess, Simpson, Batman, Lassie...(lol)... Anyone! Let me know in the comments. Let me know why. 

Happy New Moon, this is a new beginning for both of us.


Stay witchy,

Loralei x.

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