How to Make Moon Water


Oh October, how I always anticipate your brilliant moon.

On October 8th, 2014 at 6:30ish AM EST The Blood Moon will have risen to full power. In my experience, since the veil is very thin, I personally find this moon energy the most potent and easiest to harness. There is also another treat, at 5:15am.. The moon will Eclipse. (Lunar.) 

Want to learn how to make a powerful charging agent that you can reuse for the year? I'm going to show you how. 

Moon water is clean water that sits in a dish (Preferably silver) underneath the light of a full moon, and then removed before the sun breaks the night into dawn. 

Moon water is used to anoint magickal items, crystals, people, to charge items or crystals, or to invoke a powerful meditation. 

How to Make Moon Water

Items you will need: 

  • A sealable bottle of dark glass or a bottle that will be covered by a dark cloth. 
  • Naturally sourced water (Rain, Lake, Ocean, etc.) or Filtered Water
  • Moon herbs and oils (Jasmine, Sandalwood, Cucumber, Lavender, etc.)
  • Moon, psychic enhancing, or receptive crystals. (Moonstone, Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Holy Stone, Sodalite, etc. Make sure they will not dissolve) 
  • A bowl big enough to fit water, herb, oil, and crystal. 

1.) If you have to use filtered water, treat it with kindness. Water is an element that remembers, therefore needs to be purged of its rough handling of pipes, bottles, or shipment. If you have a Brita, filter the water three times... Or boil and cool the water for three minutes. 

2.) Herbs and/or a few drops of oils. (If using herbs, I suggest placing them in a tea ball or tea bag. )

3.) Place your crystal companions in the water gently, and escort them to the Moon.

4.) Placing in direct moonlight, the water will absorb and charge, along with the crystals. You may proceed with your Moonlit rituals, or cast the chant listed below.. but Warning, if daybreak lights the sky regardless of the presence of the sun.. the magick will be gone. 


  • Do not drink Moon Water.
  • You can continue each moon to use this to charge your crystals each full moon (Granted you use only oils or the tea bag method, or the herbs will rot.) The more moons, the more potent. Your receptive, psychic, water, moon crystals will certainly appreciate the bath, trust me. 
  • You can use this in your rituals or crafts as an extra charge to your magickal workings during the night. 
  • This water CANNOT see the light of day, so deep wrapped in cloth or kept in a dark cool place to keep the enchanting intact.


Everyone has there own way of invoking power and placing it on an item. This is how I personally do this, and it works for me. Maybe it can work for you.

Standing in the presence of the moon, calm your mind. Try and remove all distractions. Feel the buzz and warm, yet cool energy of the world around you. 

If you are right handed, hold up left palm  to the moon. Really feel her. (Reverse if you are left handed.) 

In right hand point, use wand, or athame at the moon once you feel you have a good connection. (This is subjective, Don't think. If you feel a sensation... You have it, trust yourself. Everyone feels her differently.) 

This is where I personally visualize. I picture a white, fire, windy, shimmery, tornado (I know, what? Lol.) drawing from moon, being drawn by your palm, pulled if you would. The funnel of this tornado being directed into the water of your bowl of herb, oil, crystal, and water. Here, you can visual the empowering, enchanting the water and other items saturating the liquid. 

You can also repeat silently, or out loud this chant. Go softly, then louder, then soft when you feel you are finished. 

"Of moon, to water, Of water to moon. Invoke the power, Magic attune."

Happy Full Moon, and happy enchanting. 

Stay witchy!

Loralei x

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